Thursday, November 4, 2010

The death of me....

I am no longer concerned about my cancer being the cause of my demise…… I’m beginning to believe that my financial stressors and raising teenagers will get me first. Seriously. What goes on inside the minds of teenagers?! What would possess a 16 year old to steadily argue with an 8 year old? A 15 year old to constantly get a thrill out of aggravating his sisters and getting them completely into “drama mode”? Oh, and of course there is the “life would be so much easier on my own” mentality! Really, I say lets try it then. My 16 year old daughter is in the “my life sucks” stage. Why does it suck, you wonder. Well, because she doesn’t have a boyfriend at the moment and she’s not allowed to do what she wants, when she wants. Oh, and because she gets “stuck” babysitting her 2 younger sisters on away football games… tomorrow. Hence, the super bad attitude. Now my 15 year old son has no issues with being single. He actually prefers it. No, his life “sucks” because HE brought home a C on his progress report and of course we are the “evil ones” for taking away his XBOX. Go figure.

Nope the mind of a teenager is a very strange thing. Its very “me, myself and I”. Don’t get me wrong. I know my children have had to endure quite a bit over the past couple of years. Life changed a lot for all of us after I got sick. Money is extremely tight and because of that there is a lot that they miss out on. We cant afford to do a lot of the things their friends can. I’m penny pinching all the time. We rarely have any left over after bills and when we do….we use if for things they need (notice I said NEED not want).

So I get attitude or better yet, sometimes just flat out ignored, as I go about the house (usually doing their chores) and contemplate climbing up on the roof and jumping. With my luck though, I would break a few bones and would then live to hear “ Just great Mom! Now look what you did! Told you my life sucks!” from at least one of them……..

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