Sunday, February 20, 2011

Somebody did not get the memo.....

I do not do 'sickness' well. After the last week of spraying my house down with lysol, keeping windows open, and overdosing on cold meds....this darn cold/virus/flu (or whatever the heck it is) will not leave! I may have to break down and go to the doctor. I do not like going to the doctors. Ive already had to go once this year (darn kidney stones) and I'm really trying to avoid going at all costs. My plan was to only go to my follow up appointments with my Oncologist this year. Thats more than enough for one person. Now, dont get me wrong, I have no problem bringing my kids or husband to the doctors. I just dont like going for me. Just my personal preference. So, today and tonight I will once again down the cough and cold medicine and hope like heck that tomorrow this wretched thing starts moving on.