This post is sure to offend someone....but Im not biting my tongue (or should I say typing fingers) any more.
A few days ago I posted a facebook status regarding the "hoopla" surrounding our School Administration using MKL Holiday as a make up day for school missed due to the snow. This is the Status:
"WOW. People are really tripping out over kids going to school on the MLK holiday.... Ask yourself this.. Would MLK be more upset at the fact that ALL our kids are attending school TOGETHER or that specific groups are screaming racism (yet, again) when their isn't none. It's like the boy that cried wolf.... Eventually people get tired of hearing it and when a "TRUE" situation arises noone will be listening."
Now, alot of the comments I got were positive and in agreement. The private messages, however, were not so nice.... Lets go over some, shall we:
"how can you, a white person, even begin to understand the importance of the holiday"
Uuuum....because I believe in everything MLK stood for...
"you can never know what it feels like to be black and to be treated in a racist manner"
Nope. I can never know what it feels like to be black but I do know how it feels to be judged because of my skin color (and it sucks). News flash: These days, people who are racist come in every shape and shade. Your point?
Oh, my favorite....
"you should be shamed. You cant possibly parent or teach your kids anything about their race"
WOW! Really!? Hmmmm.... Well, lets see. Since my children were all born they have been taught many things about their heritage, cultures and the history of important people and times in this country. How am I incapable of teaching these things? Recently, before this whole post about the holiday, it was implied that I should be raising my son to be a "strong black man" and my daughters to be "strong black women". Nope. Aint gonna happen. Im raising my son to be a strong MAN. Im raising my girls to be strong WOMEN. End of discussion. I actually find the whole raising strong black men and women attitude as offensive as somebody raising strong white men and women. There is NO need for "race" to be pointed out to our children when the common goal for the majority of parents raising their kids is equality, happiness and success. Why categorize our kids?
I once had a neighbor in Charlotte who was constantly telling her kids (and some of the kids in the neighborhood) that they had to unite and stick together as "black" kids in the neighborhood. That especially because they were black, they were going to have to work harder than others and the odds would always be against them. Nice.... so right from the jump these kids are seeing obstacles that may or may not be there. Right from the jump they are going to have Ill feelings toward those that are not black (and lets be frank.....the ill feelings will most likely be geared at people who happen to be white) because they will feel like they are not being given the same chances. Who put that in the childs head? Personal life experiences or the parent? Maybe the child holds back from doing something they love because the think the odds are against them. Once again, I ask, how did they come to feel this way? So, now every obstacle that comes before them....becomes a question of "race". Ive raised my kids to believe in themselves, believe in their dreams, believe in who they are and "COLOR" has never been part of the equation. They are not a color. They are human beings. Ive taught them they are capable of doing anything they set their minds to. They need to work hard because nothing worth anything comes free or easy.
Im not saying racism doesnt exist in this does (and its sad). I know there are still groups like the KKK (bunch of morons) and the Aryan Nation who just love to spew all their racial hatred. There are also less vocal and less obvious groups/people that help to keep racial tension and a racial divide alive. Like I said earlier.... they come in all shapes and all skin tones.
Oh, and before anyone tries to deem me as a racist.....let me tell you this...Im about as close to being a racist as "The ROCK" is to being female.....
I'll be back soon for part 2 of my soap box "rant"
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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