Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dec 07

WOW….it’s been a while….

So, I guess I have alot of updating to do. LOL The holidays have gone smoothly. On Friday Dec 21st my husband and son took off to South Carolina for a family gathering. The girls and I stayed here and did a “girls” weekend. I even let my oldest daughter have a few friends over. […]

“Tough times don’t last, tough people do”

That is something she has been trying to remember these days. Her emotions have been on a roller coaster ride since September. Do you ever feel like you have all these oppossing forces banging inside you? One minute your full of spunk and spirit, the next your totally rattled feeling like doom is lurking. She is not sure how to […]

You gotta take the good with the bad……aaargh..*(cringes)*

Okay, I guess I should get the bad news issues out of the way first. A little over a month ago my husband was having dizzy spells and slight chest pains. I immedietly called for him to see the doctor. See my husband is 36. His dad had his first massive heartache (actually 2 in […]

My Christmas Tree!!!

I can’t believe I forgot to post this!!!!!!
Thanks to “my” wonderful Heather (Mom on Coffee), we actually have a Christmas Tree. I couldn’t believe it when I answered the door this past Friday and there was a Christmas Tree waiting for me. And its not just any Christmas Tree. It has long soft beautiful needles….basically […]


I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and I have come to the conclusion that I must have an alter ego. I am usually a very passive, non-confrontational type personality (unless someone messes with my children….then uh oh…it’s on and poppin!). However, I was not always like that and every now and then something will […]

My top 5 Breast Cancer Rants for the week!

Parental advisory: Todays blog is very blunt and may even have vulgar words! **gasp**
Okay, so everyone has their lil gripes, right? Rather than hold em in and let them fester and fester and fester to the point of explosion……lets just get em all out in the open, eh?! I could go screaming through my house like […]

“weirded out”

I am not really sure what is going on with my mental state during this round of chemo. I have been an irritable Bi@tch, with a capital “B”. Seriously. The marinol my doc prescribed for me has helped with the naseau, but my moods have been crazzzy! I am irritated with myself! I am, now, […]