Sunday, November 4, 2007

Nov 07

2nd Chemo down…..

I went for my oh-so-pleasant poisoning of the system (other wise known as Chemotherapy) today. I forgot to have my mom take a pic of the lovely ritual, but for some reason I konked out rather quickly at this session. I basically slept through it! My mom ended up going on home for a while. LOL Oh well, there […]

“Bald is Beautiful!”

Okay. So I had myself all prepared for my hair to fall out….or so I thought. Over the past week I had a few hairs fallin out periodically, but nothin major. I started to think that maybe it was going to just thin out and not fall out. Buzzzz……..WRONG ANSWER! lol Friday, we noticed quite […]

Im up! yeaaah!

I went to the doctors yesterday for my labwork. My bloodwork came back really good! My doctor was so impressed. The nurse was joking and said “did we even give you chemo?! Your labs are amazing!”. So, I am feeling really good (emotionally) at this time. Physically, I am feeling better than I have since […]


Have I mentioned that this really bites? LOL I had my first chemo, a week ago today. I looked bright red and felt really tired, but I was like “cool….I can handle this….no problem”. Then, the pounding headache kicked in……the nauseau kicked in……the major, major aching bones kicked in…..the constipation kicked in…..all at once mind […]

1 Chemo down.

However many more treatments it takes to kick cancers ass to go.
The chemo side effects have kicked in for Andrea already. When I spoke with her yesterday, she said she looked like she had a nasty sunburn. She was in getting a shot that will help her blood cells rebound which will make her feel better. […]

Round 2….

Let the Chemo begin!
Im getting ready to head out for my first 5 hour round of Chemo. The Regimen I am having is called “TAC” which stands for Taxotere, Adriamyan, and Cytoxan. According to my Oncologist, these three combined are the most aggressive approach and most brutal……but hey….I just wanna someday hear the words “You […]