Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dec 07

WOW….it’s been a while….

So, I guess I have alot of updating to do. LOL The holidays have gone smoothly. On Friday Dec 21st my husband and son took off to South Carolina for a family gathering. The girls and I stayed here and did a “girls” weekend. I even let my oldest daughter have a few friends over. […]

“Tough times don’t last, tough people do”

That is something she has been trying to remember these days. Her emotions have been on a roller coaster ride since September. Do you ever feel like you have all these oppossing forces banging inside you? One minute your full of spunk and spirit, the next your totally rattled feeling like doom is lurking. She is not sure how to […]

You gotta take the good with the bad……aaargh..*(cringes)*

Okay, I guess I should get the bad news issues out of the way first. A little over a month ago my husband was having dizzy spells and slight chest pains. I immedietly called for him to see the doctor. See my husband is 36. His dad had his first massive heartache (actually 2 in […]

My Christmas Tree!!!

I can’t believe I forgot to post this!!!!!!
Thanks to “my” wonderful Heather (Mom on Coffee), we actually have a Christmas Tree. I couldn’t believe it when I answered the door this past Friday and there was a Christmas Tree waiting for me. And its not just any Christmas Tree. It has long soft beautiful needles….basically […]


I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and I have come to the conclusion that I must have an alter ego. I am usually a very passive, non-confrontational type personality (unless someone messes with my children….then uh oh…it’s on and poppin!). However, I was not always like that and every now and then something will […]

My top 5 Breast Cancer Rants for the week!

Parental advisory: Todays blog is very blunt and may even have vulgar words! **gasp**
Okay, so everyone has their lil gripes, right? Rather than hold em in and let them fester and fester and fester to the point of explosion……lets just get em all out in the open, eh?! I could go screaming through my house like […]

“weirded out”

I am not really sure what is going on with my mental state during this round of chemo. I have been an irritable Bi@tch, with a capital “B”. Seriously. The marinol my doc prescribed for me has helped with the naseau, but my moods have been crazzzy! I am irritated with myself! I am, now, […]

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Nov 07

2nd Chemo down…..

I went for my oh-so-pleasant poisoning of the system (other wise known as Chemotherapy) today. I forgot to have my mom take a pic of the lovely ritual, but for some reason I konked out rather quickly at this session. I basically slept through it! My mom ended up going on home for a while. LOL Oh well, there […]

“Bald is Beautiful!”

Okay. So I had myself all prepared for my hair to fall out….or so I thought. Over the past week I had a few hairs fallin out periodically, but nothin major. I started to think that maybe it was going to just thin out and not fall out. Buzzzz……..WRONG ANSWER! lol Friday, we noticed quite […]

Im up! yeaaah!

I went to the doctors yesterday for my labwork. My bloodwork came back really good! My doctor was so impressed. The nurse was joking and said “did we even give you chemo?! Your labs are amazing!”. So, I am feeling really good (emotionally) at this time. Physically, I am feeling better than I have since […]


Have I mentioned that this really bites? LOL I had my first chemo, a week ago today. I looked bright red and felt really tired, but I was like “cool….I can handle this….no problem”. Then, the pounding headache kicked in……the nauseau kicked in……the major, major aching bones kicked in…..the constipation kicked in…..all at once mind […]

1 Chemo down.

However many more treatments it takes to kick cancers ass to go.
The chemo side effects have kicked in for Andrea already. When I spoke with her yesterday, she said she looked like she had a nasty sunburn. She was in getting a shot that will help her blood cells rebound which will make her feel better. […]

Round 2….

Let the Chemo begin!
Im getting ready to head out for my first 5 hour round of Chemo. The Regimen I am having is called “TAC” which stands for Taxotere, Adriamyan, and Cytoxan. According to my Oncologist, these three combined are the most aggressive approach and most brutal……but hey….I just wanna someday hear the words “You […]

Monday, October 1, 2007

Oct. 07

Have I mentioned……

that having Cancer sux?! Okay, thats my whine for the day…..I had the portcath put in yesterday. Im not sure what was more uncomfortable, the bilateral Mastectomy or this surgery! Seriously. This is a very irritating, burning pain that just wont numb. I’m kinda leary about having them stick a needle in the port tomorrow […]

I can’t sleep….

It is 4:00 am and I have been tossing and turning all night. I have to be up at 5:30 to be at the hospital by 6:45, so why even bother going to sleep now. I’m not really sure what has got me all full of anxiety. This procedure is far less severe than what […]


I am not really sure what happened, it seems a few posts are missing. I guess I will quickly recap for those who hadn’t read the posts that dissappeared, lol. I, of course, am home from the surgery. I had my bone scan and ct scan to make sure that the cancer hadn’t spread. Thank […]

Update 10/4

Spoke to Andrea’s Husband this afternoon. Andrea is doing VERY well. Her pain was managed well through the night and has only required minimal medication today. In fact, she only asked for something at 8am and hasn’t asked again. She has been up sitting and has been resting a lot.
Overall, she is doing FANTASTIC, as well […]

Update: 2pm

Andrea’s Mom called while I was at lunch, so forgive me for not getting this up sooner.
Andrea’s primary surgeon has finished. She is fairly certain all of the cancer was removed, pathology is pending still. All of Andrea’s lymphnodes on the left did have to be removed though. The plastic surgeon is now working on […]

1st step ….

I havent been able to post in the past few days. It has been hectic. I met with the Plastic Surgeon this past Monday and went for Genetic Counseling yesterday (along with bloodwork). Yesterday afternoon at 1:00 my cell phone rang. It was my Surgeons office calling to tell me to be at the hospital […]

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sept. 07

And the Journey continues…..

Ok. So we know I had the MRI last friday and I had an appointment set up for another biopsy on Oct. 4th. This past Monday (09/24/07) they called and said they had a cancellation for Tuesday (09/25/07) at 1:00, did I want it? Well….duh. So, I went in and had another ultrasound and another […]

Something positive…..

My appointment for the next set of tests (mammo, US and biopsy) on the 2 new spots that they think may also be malignant, has been moved up from Oct 4th to tomorrow (or should I say later today…LOL) at 1:00. I am so grateful to whoever cancelled their appointment and left the door open […]

Breast MRI….

Ok, so like Mammograms aren’t embarressing enough. The breast MRI is oh so much fun. First they put in an IV that will inject the contrast through out the test. You get to lay down on your belly with your face looking straight down into a spot that was made specifically for it. Your legs are […]

The beginning……

I’m not even sure where to say my Journey starts. Does it start when I actually found the lump? Does it start when I first went in for the mammogram? Or does it start on September 11th, 2007 when I got the call telling me “you have breast cancer”? I’m still kind of in shock. […]

Welcome to the Journey

This blog belongs to my best friend, Andrea, and this is her journey.
Diagnosed with breast cancer on September 11, 2007, she knew right away that writing would be cathartic, comforting, and healing for her.
I’m going to allow her to share as many or as few details as she likes, but I know that every visit, […]